30th July 2021
Customer Notice – General Rate Increase USWC to/from Pacific Islands
Dear Valued Customer,
As we continue to navigate the unprecedented challenges facing the Global Supply Chain, we are still seeing unprecedented increases in costs to operate.
Vessel daily charter rates continue to climb, with this we are seeing lengthy charter periods as the high demand for vessels continues.
The below index tracks the daily charter rate (USD) for vessel types, including those we deploy on the Polynesia Service.

The below chart shows the increase in the length of the vessel charters.

The shortage of shipping containers is also continuing, creating significant carrier cost increases to meet market demands.
Due to these continuing cost escalations, Swire Shipping will be implementing a general rate increase.
All cargo shipped between the US West Coast and the Pacific will be subject to the following increases to ocean freight (OCF), effective with the sailing of the Arkadia 531S and the Cap Salia 966N.
• Per 20’ Container – USD 350.00
• Per 40’ Container – USD 700.00
We appreciate your continued support. If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local representative.
Swire Shipping