Adjustments to the SENZ Service
Service between Australia, New Zealand & South East Asia
15th July 2021
Dear Customer,
With the continued schedule disruption and terminal congestion across Oceania, we wish to advise changes to our SENZ service. Earlier this year we phased in a seventh vessel to increase the schedule buffer to the SENZ service and reduce schedule impact to our customers. As a result of significant delays and suspension of our proforma windows we need to make additional changes to our network, in an effort
to reduce delays, avoid vessel bunching and lost market capacity due to vessel sliding.
The SENZ service will continue its schedule with 7 ships with a slight adjustment to rotation – starting from the RIO NEGRO V 133 S (departing Tanjung Pelepas on the 17th August) the SENZ schedule will stop calling Brisbane and follow the below proforma rotation.

Given the ongoing New Zealand port congestion and delays, the actual arrival and departure times along New Zealand coast might vary due to the suspension of berthing windows. However, this schedule adjustment will add important buffer to the schedule to enable the service to arrive on-time to the hubs in Tanjung Pelepas and Singapore, enabling weekly connection to on-carrier services and reduce the requirement for vessel sliding, & improving stability of the New Zealand supply chain.
To reduce impact to our customers importing cargo from Brisbane we will offer alternative products on our network, with the ANZL service continuing to connect Asia with Brisbane on a weekly basis.
We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation and understanding. Please contact your nearest Hamburg Sud office for further information.